The New Expanded Line of Dracast Fresnels

Dracast has released the latest in LED fresnels! The Fresnel500 is one of the new, expanded line of the Dracast fresnels. This model has the same focused, high output light as some of the more expensive options but with a more compact design. It has the same build and interface and includes mounting yoke, barn doors, and simple onboard controls. This fresnel has the technological advantages of LED with the expanded options and performance of the new Dracast fresnel lineup.
Each Dracast fresnel includes a newly designed LED array system that features 95 CRI with absolutely incredible color temperature accuracy, and exceptionally high light output. All this adds up to a light fixture that delivers tremendous light output while using just 50 watts during operation. Dracast also added a completely silent, passive, heat-sink cooling system making the fresnel series an extremely versatile fixture, perfectly suited for any field application or major studio.
All the new fresnels have some amazing options including the DMX control or ability to connect and control via Wi-Fi with the upcoming Dracast app. The new app with be available for both iPhone and Android. This new feature streamlines connecting a whole studio for production. No wires! You will be able to control dimming and color temperature from your phone.
Check out this video from Cheesycam featuring Ivant Escobar from Dracast, giving a first look at the new line of fresnel lights at the Cine Gear Expo in L.A.