5 Things to consider when upgrading your conference room

August 15th, 2017

VidyoPanorama WhiteboardUpdating, upgrading, or just making a few small changes to your conference room goes beyond fresh paint and furniture. Your conference room is your hub, it’s where you share your message, collaborate, and brainstorm. If you’ve been thinking about a few updates or an overhaul, consider this:

1. What screen do you present on? Is it high quality or does it take away from the message? You don’t want your screen to scream outdated. A yellow, torn, or faded screen can distract from what you’re trying to share and hinder the presentation.

2. How’s your video quality? Make sure the video is clear and has a high resolution. A bad picture can be hard to look at, in fact, you may lose the attention of your audience.

3. Do you have the capability to video call? This can make collaborating simple. You can meet with employees from other branches or have discussions with clients. Consider VDO360 for top video quality during your video calls.

4. What is your sound quality? Do you have wireless mics and top notch speakers? This is an essential piece of your conference room. Your message should be delivered with clarity. If the sound is garbled or too quiet, it can be difficult to follow. Phoenix Audio makes an excellent selection of mics and speakers.

5. Is there a security issue? It’s important that you have a secure system.

Your conference room can make an impression on clients and employees. You want that impression to say you’re innovative, not going out of style. Are you ready to update your conference room? Contact us to learn more, we can help you find the right systems to meet your needs.